Welcome to the official Chung-Deh College English/Chinese blog.
可是如果你會寫英文,就儘量以英文為主 對妳來說會比較好的練習機會。 The primary goal of this blog is provide an outlet for students and teachers to voice their opinions or pose questions about various issues. I'll be actively monitoring the blog every day or two, and redirecting questions or concerns to teachers as needs be.
That said, I want to emphasize that you should feel free to talk about anything at all here - it is after all your blog. Later I'll be including videos taken at the college, so you can peer in on your fellow students and see just what they're up to.
On the right hand side, you'll see links to teachers. If you have questions, comments or thoughts you wish to ask particular teachers then follow the links. Posts can be written in Chinese or English. You may also notice a link to "Past Graduates" which is for those students who after finishing Chung-Deh would like to keep in touch. This is a project in development, so any suggestions anyone might have for improvements are welcome.
I have already included some RSS feeds that I felt may be of interest to those looking to practice their listening. The first podcast is from ESL Cafe and the second is from CBC. The first deals with practical situations and the second with storytelling. Feel free to discuss them on the blog. Please feel free to share other web resources that you think might be helpful.